- info@mogeniteafactory.com / nmogeni@yahoo.com
- +254 721 837594
- Ikonge, Nyamira - Kenya
Mogeni Tea is celebrated for its distinctive flavor and captivating aroma. Whether enjoyed on its own or with accompaniments, our tea provides an unparalleled sensory experience.
Our tea is meticulously handpicked, using only the top two tender leaves and a bud from each tea plant. This method guarantees a superior, high-quality tea with enhanced flavor and freshness in every sip.
We follow sustainable farming and advanced manufacturing processes to ensure our teas are of high quality and environmentally friendly.
Every batch of Mogeni Tea is carefully processed to retain its natural essence. From farm to cup, we deliver premium quality tea that is fresh, rich in flavor, and crafted to perfection.
Mogeni Tea Factory boasts of some of the state-of-the-art machinery among them:
A total area of 5,200sq meters of withering space with variable speed fans to ensure required withers
State-of-the-art jumbo CTC rollers (42x13 inches) produce fine, rare cuts, creating attractive leaves with Mogeni's signature liquoring character.
Three perforated net, two-stage continuous fermenters, feeding three 660 kg fluid bed driers, offer one of the largest fermenting and drying capacities in East Africa.
An automated system linking fibre extractors and vibroscreens ensures fast, hygienic grading of both primary and secondary teas.
Modern digital scales have been installed to ensure accurate weighment at all stages, from the field to the factory.
A10,000 kg steam generation set up that feeds dryer and withering for quality production of teas.